Strong Gravity News & Events

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Quasinormal modes of neutron stars in R^2 gravity

Jose Blázquez-Salcedo (Oldenburg U., Germany)
Event date
Maths. Dept. Room 11.3.21
Event type
In this talk we will discuss the quasinormal modes of neutron stars in modified theories of gravity, in particular, in R^2 gravity. In this model, in addition to the space-time and fluid degrees of freedom that are present in General Relativity, we naturally find a (massive) scalar field.

Tidal effect on scalar cloud

Taishi Ikeda (IST-Lisbon)
Event date
Maths. Dept. Room Sousa Pinto
Event type
The existence of light, fundamental bosonic fields is an attractive possibility that can be tested via black hole observations. 
We study the effect of a tidal field -- caused by a companion star or black hole -- on the evolution of superradiant scalar-field states around spinning black holes.

Visit of Nelson Eiró, Aichen Li and Ruyong Li

Nelson Eiró visited Gr@v just before successfully defending his M.Sc. thesis on "Strong lensing of light and shadow of a Black Hole surrounded by a heavy accretion disk", at IST-Lisbon, supervised by C. Herdeiro and P. Cunha. This visit coincided with the beginning of a long term visit by Aichen and Ruyong Li, both graduates from Beijing University of Technology.

Nonlinear eigenmodes of asymptotically anti de Sitter space-times

Péter Forgács (WRC, Budapest)
Event date
Maths. Dept. Room 11.3.21
Ends on
Event type

I present a review on combined numerical and analytical efforts to construct "geon"-type solutions of the Einstein equations. Geons are time periodic - hence non-radiating - and spatially localized objects.

XII Black Holes Workshop

The XII Black Holes Workshop, an annual series of meetings organised by the Portuguese strong gravity community since 2008, will take place in Guimarães, on December 19-20, 2019. More information here.