Pedro Cunha PhD defense

Pedro Cunha defended his PhD thesis with title "Shadows and gravitational lensing of Black Holes interacting with fundamental fields" on September 9th 2019, at IST-Lisbon. The panel, composed by Prof. Volker Perlick, Frederic Vincent, José Natário, Carlos Herdeiro (advisor) and José Lemos (president) unanimously attributed the highest classification of Approved with Distinction and Honour to an outstanding piece of work. Congratulations Pedro!

100 years of light bending

On May 29th 1919 Eddington and Cottingham measured the position of stars near the sun during a total eclipse observed at the island of Príncipe, off the west African coast. Their results, together with the ones of another expedition undertaken by Crommelin and Davidson to Sobral (Brazil), were announced on November 6th 1919 and confirmed the General Theory of Relativity. This openned a new era in our understanding of gravity, space, time and matter... and made Einstein world famous.