C. Herdeiro elected to the EPL Association Board of Directors

Europhysics Letters (EPL) is a reference journal founded in 1986 by the European Physical Society (EPS), the Société Française de Physique (SFP) and its subsidiary EDP Sciences, the Società Italiana di Fisica (SIF) and the Institute of Physics (IOP). The Board of Directors consists of five members, four of which represent the founder members of Category A (the EPS, SIF, SFP/EDP Sciences and IOP), and one of Category B (representing the other owner national societies). Herdeiro was nominated by the Portuguese Physics Society and voted by the board as the category B representative.


EPL is now published under the scientific policy and control of the EPS by EDP Sciences, IOP Publishing and SIF for a partnership of 17 European physical societies (the EPL Association).

The EPL Association is managed by a Board of Directors together with the Editor In Chief, Business Manager, Executive Editor and Staff Editor.
The refereeing procedure is handled by the Editorial Board and the Editorial Office (with the support of the Deputy Editors Board).


EPL is owned now by 17 National Physical Societies/Institutes represented by the Board of Directors.

Category A
The European Physical Society
The French Physical Society
The Italian Physical Society
The Institute of Physics (UK)

Category B
The Austrian Physical Society
The German Physical Society
The Hungarian Physical Society
Institute “Ruder Boskovic”
The Netherlands Physical Society
The Portuguese Physical Society
Pool of Scandinavian Physical Societies
• Danish Physical Society
• Finnish Physical Society
• Icelandic Physical Society
• Norwegian Physical Society
• Swedish Physical Society
The Swiss Physical Society
The Turkish Physical Society

Associate Members

Institute “Josef Stefan”
Spanish Royal Society of Physics


Read also UA coverage here.