On multi black hole systems in 5 dimensions

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GAP room
Cristian Stelea

Abstract: In this talk I review a recent solution generating technique based on the symmetries of the dimensionally reduced Lagrangian of the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton system in five dimensions. I describe applications of this technique to generate new exact solutions describing the charged double black hole system, the black saturn system in five-dimensional backgrounds with flat or Kaluza-Klein asymptotics. While generically the static multi-black hole solutions are plagued with unavoidable conical singularities, in the particular case of black objects on the Taub-bolt instanton such singularities can be eliminated and the multi-black hole configuration remains in equilibrium. In particular, I show that a static black ring, the double black hole solution and the charged  black Saturn constructed on the Taub-bolt instanton can be in and the conical singularities can be completely eliminated.