Full name: Nuno M. Santos
2018 M.Sc. Engineering Physics (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa)
2016 B.Sc. Engineering Physics (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa)
Research area: Strong gravity; Black holes; Mathematical Physics
Office: 11.2.4, Mathematics Department, Aveiro University
Email: nunomoreirasantos[AT]tecnico.ulisboa.pt or nuno.m.santos[AT]ua.pt
Webpage: http://web.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/nunomoreirasantos/
My research has mainly focused on general relativity and the physics of compact objects, such as (bald and hairy) black holes and boson stars. More specifically, I have been working on Einstein's gravity minimally coupled to complex bosonic fields, one of the simplest yet rich classical field theories featuring exotic matter with potential astrophysical relevance. If ultralight, not only such hypothetical bosonic fields can give rise to the dynamical formation of non-Kerr black holes and boson stars with astrophysical masses, but they can also be part of the dark matter content of the Universe.