Discussion of the paper "Breaking black-hole uniqueness at supermassive scales", by A. Eichhorn, et al.
Breaking black-hole uniqueness at supermassive scales
Astrid Eichhorn, Pedro G.S. Fernandes, Aaron Held, Hector O. Silva
2312.11430 [gr-qc]
Breaking black-hole uniqueness at supermassive scales
Astrid Eichhorn, Pedro G.S. Fernandes, Aaron Held, Hector O. Silva
2312.11430 [gr-qc]
Proca stars, first discovered in this paper, are a vector cousin of the well known model of scalar boson stars - see these papers for reviews [1], [2] and comparisons between the two models [3], [4].
The Iranian Conference on High Energy Physics took place from 20-22 November 2023 (online). C. Herdeiro was one of the Plenary Speakers. See the programme here.
During the week of 13-17 November 2023 we had the pleasure to host Rodrigo Vicente from IFAE, U. Barcelona and Roman Pasechnik from the U. Lund to tell us about their latest research. Of course, discussions are better over a nice lunch!
Recent horizon-scale images of Messier 87* and Sagittarius A* have been used to demonstrate that their spacetimes are well-described by the Ke
C. Herdeiro visited the St. Kliment Ohridski U. Sofia (Bulgaria) delivering a talk on Boson stars and Black holes with synchronised hair, invited by Prof. Stoytcho Yazadjiev (both in the photo).
The field of gravitational wave astronomy is allowing us to study the nature of compact objects in binary systems through their gravitational wave emission. Namely, the tidal deformability of such objects, encoded in their Tidal Love Numbers (TLNs) gives us a window into their composition and the physics behind them.
The annual meeting of the Maths Department Ph.D. students will take place on 27 Oct 2023. Marco Brito and Etevaldo Costa, both enrolled in the MAP-Fis Ph.D. programme will represent our group.
Full name: Giorgio Nicolini
Position: BI research-grant holder
University of Pisa (Italy): M.Sc. in Physics, 2020
University of Trieste (Italy): B.Sc. in Physics, 2018