Strong Gravity News & Events

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Formation and mergers of bosonic stars

Fabrizio Di Giovanni (U. Valencia, Spain)
Event date
Maths. Dept. Room Sousa Pinto
Event type

In this talk I will firstly give a brief introduction on what bosonic stars are and why should we be interested in studying them. Then, I will present a study of the non-linear dynamics of both boson(scalar) and Proca(vector) stars, through numerical relativity techniques. I will depict three different physical scenarios.

Can electromagnetic interaction revive (collisional) Penrose process?

Filip Hejda (IST-Lisbon)
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Penrose process remains a textbook example of a mechanism for energy extraction from black holes, yet there are many impediments to its practical viability. The longest known problem is that it requires a particle to split into two fragments with very high relative velocity.

Black hole thermodynamics - Lecture 2

Eugen Radu
Event date
Venue Maths. Dept. Room Sousa Pinto
Event type

This is the second of a mini-course (four lectures) on black hole thermodynamics. The lectures will be on January 16, 24, 31 and February 7.