Cosmology News & Events

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Primordial Black Holes from Inflation: recent challenges and opportunities in the GW era

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Gabriele Franciolini (Sapienza University)
Event date
Online only
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Primordial black holes (PBHs) might form in the early universe and could comprise a significant fraction of the dark matter. If they are generated due to enhanced scalar perturbations at small scales, their formation is inevitably accompanied by the emission of gravitational waves (GWs) that could be seen by current and future GW experiments.

Cosmological tests on non-metricity based theories of gravity​

Gr@v Seminars - Banner
José Ferreira (University of Aveiro and CIDMA)
Event date
Hybrid: Room 11.2.21 and Zoom
Event type
In this seminar, we study and present constraints for two cosmological models based on non-metric theories of gravity, referred to as f(Q) gravity, using both current datasets and forecast Standard Siren events.
The first model is the most general f(Q) model that replicates a ΛCDM background, with deviatio