A journey into a black hole

Gr@v's Ph.D. student (in collaboration with IST-Lisbon) Pedro Cunha produced a short movie illustrating a voyage into a black hole, and in particular the lensing effects visualized by an observer undergoing such journey. The journalist Catarina Lázaro (voice) and Gr@v researcher C. Herdeiro (scientific advising) collaborated in the movie, which will have a premiere on December 3rd 2016 at "Observatório Geofísico e Astronómico da Universidade de Coimbra".

Jorge Delgado is now a Master

Jorge Delgado successfully finished his Physics M.Sc. at Aveiro University, on September 20th 2016, by defending a thesis with title "Kerr black holes with electric charge and scalar hair". This thesis was supervised by Gr@v researchers and examined by Prof. Filipe Mena, from the University of Minho. Well done Jorge!

Gravitational Lensing and BH Shadows Workshop

In the wake of the detection of gravitational waves from black hole mergers and at the door step of an era of precision electromagnetic observations of the horizon scale for black hole candidates, in particular with the Event Horizon Telescope, the gravitation groups at Aveiro University, Gr@v, and at IST-Lisbon, Grit, will organize a two days workshop on Gravitational Lensing and Black Hole Shadows, held at the University of Aveiro (Portugal), on the 3rd and 4th of November 2016.