Shadows of a quasi-static Black Hole binary

Black hole (BH) shadows in dynamical binary BHs have been produced via ray-tracing techniques on top of computationally expensive fully non-linear numerical relativity simulations.

On arXiv:1805.03798 [gr-qc], it is illustrated (as a proof of concept) that the main features of these shadows can be captured by a simple quasi-static evolution of the photon orbits on top of a static double-Schwarzschild family of solutions, which is exact.

Gr@v visits UNAM

A team of Gr@v members (P. Cunha, J. Delgado, C. Herdeiro and J. Oliveira) is visiting the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, at its Cuernava Campus, in April-May 2018 hosted by Professor Juan Carlos Degollado. The visit occurs within a Marie Curie RISE action, of which both UNAM and Aveiro Universities are partners.

"Nullius in Verba"

The University of Aveiro and Gr@v join the many worldwide tributes to the life and work of Stephen Hawking. As a small contribution, the U. Aveiro asked Gr@v member C. Herdeiro to write an article for its online news that can be found here. A video statement can be found here (both in Portuguese).